Thursday, October 31, 2019
Obsessive compulsive disorder Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Obsessive compulsive disorder - Research Paper Example In many cases itââ¬â¢s onset begins in childhood at about the age of ten. It is thought to be two or three times more common than schizophrenia or manic depression. The Amercian Academy of Family Physicians (2006) describes Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as ââ¬Å"an illness that causes people to have unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and to repeat certain behaviors (compulsions) over and over againâ⬠. They point out that although everyone has daily routines and habits for people with OCD the patterns of behavior get in the way of their daily lives. Thurkington (2009) describes OCD in the Encyclopedia of Medicine as a type of anxiety disorder. She defines Anxiety Disorder as ââ¬Å"the experience of prolonged, excessive worry about circumstances in ones lifeâ⬠. OCD she explains is characterized by ââ¬Å"distressing repetitive thoughts, impulses or images that are intense, frightening, absurd, or unusual. These thoughts are followed by ritualized actions that are usually biz arre and irrationalâ⬠. The ritual actions are the compulsions and are thought to help to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsessive thoughts. People with OCD usually have both obsession and compulsion but there are occasionally people with only one. OCD can be accompanied by other anxiety disorders such as eating disorders or depression. A person with OCD can have ideas, images and impulses going through his mind repeatedly and not be able to control them. These obsessive thoughts make the person anxious and scared and they keep trying to get rid of these feelings by performing certain behaviors. These then become compulsive behaviors. The American Family of Physicians (2006) lists some of the common obsessive feelings and the common compulsive behaviors. Among the most common obsessions are the fear of dirt or germs, disgust with bodily waste, fear of harming someone, obsession with order and exactness and need for
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
ESSAY 2 - THE MINISTERS BLACK VEIL Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
2 - THE MINISTERS BLACK VEIL - Essay Example But the situation changes owing to just one small factor. Mr. Hooper starts wearing a black veil and his image is changed from a dignified person. People are scared of him and try to avoid him. They do not understand why he has worn the veil. The veil gives him a frightening appearance and it separates him from the entire society. Elizabeth was the lady he loved but she also deserts him owing to his refusal on taking off the veil. He confides in Elizabeth that the veil also scares him but he has to keep on wearing it. The story has been written in a very intriguing way presenting a clear picture of all the emotions of the characters. It portrays the theme of human nature that one decision by a person can result in isolating him from the society. The black veil can be considered to be a symbol of a curtain used by Mr. Hooper to segregate him from the society. He may have opted for this decision to overcome some grief in his life or for the purpose of hiding himself owing to some sin that he may have done. Mr. Hooper is very determined and he does not take off the veil even when he is about to die. This story reminds me of a woman who used to live in our neighborhood. She was a very lively young lady who was social and liked intermingling with people. She was outgoing and bold. She was liked by everyone in the neighborhood as she was very welcoming and was always ready to help everyone. She was a very sensible lady but an event changed her life. She was very attached to her family but her son passed away in an accident. The incident totally changed her and she was not the same woman that she used to be. She stopped talking to everyone and locked herself in her house. She stopped going out and cut off all her social connections. Her life totally changed and she died a few years later. Her isolation is similar to the veil that was used by Mr. Hooper to segregate him from the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Assessing The Effect Of Iran And Sanctions Politics Essay
Assessing The Effect Of Iran And Sanctions Politics Essay Nations around the globe are at odds over the issue of nuclear proliferation. As some countries aim to build their nuclear defenses, others aim to decrease or put an end to proliferation completely. Iran and the United States are a pertinent example of the former and the latter. In order to ensure the international communitys safety, the U.S. Government and its allies must enforce economic sanctions on Iran to thwart the flow of materials and funds needed for the country to grow its nuclear missile programs. On June 1st the U.S. Government and its allies, the U.N. (United Nations) Security Council, and the E.U. (European Union), along with other nations, imposed a fourth round of strict sanctions on Iran. This was done in reaction to Iran, which is a member of the U.N., choosing not to comply with the rules and regulations of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), a sub agency of the U.N. Since the IAEA is a sub agency of the U.N. which Iran is a member nation of, it must comply. The IAEA was established in 1957 to act as an international watchdog, monitoring and reporting on the nuclear activities of all member nations of the U.N. This agency promotes safety and piece in the arena of nuclear technologies. Iran says that its nuclear endeavors are peaceful, intended only to generate electricity and produce medical isotopes, not to construct a nuclear weapon; its actions imply just the opposite. Despite the behest of the U.S. and its allies, the AEOI (Atomic Energy Organization of Iran) continually hampers the agencys inspection processes. It recently stripped two agency inspectors of the right to monitor its nuclear activities and refused others access to several facilities. The IAEA says that at the rate Iran is enriching nuclear fuel, it would soon have enough to produce two nuclear weapons. This Inspired alarm and concern throughout the international community about what Iran is doing behind closed doors. Without the IAEA keeping watch our safety is compromised, a belligerent Iran poses a great danger. Some may say that Irans nuclear program poses virtually no threat because it is so much smaller in comparison to that of the U.S.s and U.N.s. This idea is completely nonsensical. Just one nuclear missile in the hands of a country with a destructive agenda poses a much greater threat than five thousand nuclear missiles in the possession of a country with a peaceful agenda. Iran has yet to convince the nuclear watchdog of the peaceful nature of its nuclear pr ogram. This hazardous situation requires strict sanctions against Irans trade, military, and financial transactions carried out by the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps), which controls the nuclear program and has taken a central role in running the country and the economy. The New York Times Reports: The sanctions require countries to inspect ships or planes headed to or from Iran if they suspect banned cargo is aboard. The sanctions bar Iran from pursuing any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons. Bar Iranian investment in activities such as uranium mining, and prohibit Iran from buying several categories of heavy weapons, including attack helicopters, missiles and other nuclear-related technology. It is the position of some that sanctions are ineffective, not a means to an end but instead a sort of prerequisite to doing something that might actually make a difference (such as a declaration of war). People who take that position are misinformed about the situation and sanctions in general. Economic Sanctions or restrictions on foreign commerce have been implemented by countries throughout history as an effective means of influencing one anothers behavior. In 432 B.C., Athens imposed sanctions on the state of Megara, denying it access to its harbor and market place, in order to prevent it from fighting against it. In more recent history, sanctions were successful in blocking the transfer of cryogenic rocket engines from Russia to India in 1993, stopping the shipment of arms from South Africa to Syria in 1997, and halting china from exporting sensitive military equipment in 1998. This is not to say that sanctions are always effective, or that they have any effect at all. In this case the U.S. is going the extra mile to ensure that they are effective. It has imposed its own sanctions on foreign banks that violate Irans sanctions. Foreign banks that continue to do business with Iranian banks and firms that may be associated with nuclear missile programs are banned from accessing the U.S. financial system. The prospect of being cut off from the U.S. economy adds an impetus for foreign banks to not violate the sanctions. Not all countries in the U.N. and U.N. Security Council are on board with the sanctions against Iran. The U.N. Security Council is composed of five permanent members, they are: The United States, China, Russian Federation, France, and United Kingdom and ten non permanent members with a term of one year. Every member nation voted for the Sanctions except Brazil and Turkey (nonpermanent members) who voted against them. Brazils Ambassador to the U.S., Maria Luiza Ribeiro sighted a lack of diplomacy, In our view the adoption of new sanctions by the Security Council will delay rather than accelerate or ensure progress. She goes on to say that the nations should increase talks. The U.S. and its allies have been talking to Iran about their nuclear program for years; the problem is that Iran is unwilling to listen; now it is time to take action. Foreign Minister Celso Amorim told reporters in the capital Brasilia We dont want Iran to have nuclear arms, let there be no doubt about that. They, like other countries, have the right to a peaceful (nuclear power) program. It is true that Iran has the right to have a peaceful nuclear power program; unfortunately a peaceful nuclear program is not what they aim to have. Brazil and Turkey negotiated a trade in an attempt to quell international suspicion of nuclear weapons and prevent sanctions. Iran was to ship its low enriched uranium to turkey, were it would be stored, in return for a research reactor from Brazil. Yet, Iran continued to enrich its fuel, getting it closer and closer to levels needed to construct a nuclear weapon. South Korea and Japan are putting the international communitys safety ahead of their own economical gain. Trade between Iran and South Korea grew to $9.6 billion last year, up from $2.9 billion in 2000, Iran is its largest export market in the Middle East. Iran is the fourth-largest source of crude oil for South Korea, accounting for 10 percent of its oil imports. Despite all this the county imposed sanctions on Iran that are similar to those previously announced by Japan and the European Union. Foreign Ministry spokesman, Young-sun says, Our government expects Iran to join the international efforts for nuclear nonproliferation and take steps to faithfully implement its obligations under the relative Japan and U.N.S.C. resolutions. Of course Iran is against the sanctions, saying that they are a form of economic warfare. No amount of pressure and mischief will be able to break our nations determination to pursue and defend its legal and inalienable rights. Iran is one of the most powerful and stable countries in the region and never bowed and will never bow to the hostile actions and pressures by these few powers, and will continue to defend its rights, said Mohammad Khazaee, representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations. The problem with that argument is that Iran is not under the pressure of few powers, but of the international community. Are they bullying Iran? No they are protecting themselves from a situation that poses danger to them and the citizens of their nations whom they have a duty to protect. President of the U.S., Barack Obama, put it best when he said We recognize Iranss rights but with those rights come responsibilities. And time and time again, the Iranian government ha s failed to meet those responsibilities. We can only hope that this new round of sanctions is successful in changing Irans calculations of costs and benefits of pursuing nuclear proliferation. Hopefully Irans leaders will come to the conclusion that their interests of Iran and its people are better served by complying with its international obligations. Iran continues to have the opportunity to take a different and better path, says Obama, lets hope it does.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Adolescent Peer Pressure :: Peer Pressure Essays
In schools today, most students fall under the influence of peer pressure. Peer pressure is when "friends" persuade you to do something that you do not want to do. But maybe you want to do it, and you just don't have the courage to do it and your friends talk you into it. Peer Pressure can be broken down into two areas: good peer pressure, and bad peer pressure. Bad peer pressure is being coerced into doing something that you didn't want to do because your friends said that you should. Friends have a tendency to think that they know what is best for you. They always offer their opinion whether it is wanted or not. Well, if friends are going to tell you what to do, what can you do about it? The most basic thing that you can do is to say, "No, I don't wish to do that!" or if you want to do it, say, "Yes, give me a try!" For instance, if one of your friends offered you a cigarette, you might say "No, that just doesn't interest me." But being able to say no may not be the problem; the real problem arises when your friends repeatedly ask you to do something. This is where you have to be able to say to yourself, "I made a decision and I truly feel that my decision was the correct one", and then be able to express that repeatedly to all of your friends. This seems like a difficult task, doesn't it? It takes a tremendous amount of will power to be able to stand up to the people that you know, trust, and respect ... your friends. One of the major problems with peer pressure occurs when you get sucked into something that you really didn't want to do and subsequently, become addicted to it. Usually, people get backed into a situation to try illegal drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes and more times than not, these behaviors can become habit forming. If and when someone comes up and offers you one of these substances, it is your decision whether you want to try or continue to use these substances. You should be prepared to make these decisions and to make a good decision you must be educated on that topic. For instance, say you were going to buy a stereo. You wouldn't just go out and pick the one that looked nice; you probably would go to the library and look into it.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Introduction to Contemporary Society Essay
STUDENT DETAILS ACAP Student ID: Name: Course: BASSIX. ASSESSMENT DETAILS Unit/Module: Introduction to Contemporary Society Educator: Assessment Name: Assignment1 Assessment Number: 1 Term & Year: Word Count: 2,121. DECLARATION I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research/study. I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications. Society is a human construct that in its most basic form refers to a group of people who share a sense of community and agree on how to behave within the community so it can function effectively. Socialisation is the process of learning, and adapting as a result of the learning, in order to successfully integrate into society. Although we believe, or wish to believe, that we make choices autonomously, free from the influences of others, this is not the case. Agents of socialisation are those people and groups within a society that influence our self-concept, which in turn manifests in our attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviours. Although a myriad of agents contribute to this process over an individual lifetime the influence and impact these agents have will vary from individual to individual. This essay reflects on three agents of secondary socialisation ââ¬â national identity, the workplace and social media ââ¬â and their influences on my socialisation process. Van Krieken, Habibis, Smith, Hutchins, Marton and Maton (2010) state that national identity is about identifying ourselves and others as a collective rather than as individuals; a collective that shares a common outlook shaped by either culture, lifestyle or ancestry or all three. National identity, often unconsciously, shapes our daily lives as it manifests in our beliefs, values, behaviours, views, language, lifestyle and choices. I am an Australian by choice, having lived in Australia for a number of years and attaining citizenship in June 2006, and a New Zealander by birth. Although both national identities are available to me I identify most strongly with my country of birth so I classify myself a New Zealander when asked about my nationality. Mà ori are the Indigenous peoples of New Zealand whilst New Zealanders of European descent can be categorised in several ways; Pà kehà from the Mà ori language, which literally translates to ââ¬Ëstrangerââ¬â¢, New Zealander or colloquially as Kiwis. The Kiwi is a flightless bird unique to New Zealand and is also one of its most recognizable national symbols. Of the three terms available to me as a non-indigenous New Zealander I use the term Kiwi as it also encapsulates symbolic aspects of New Zealand. There are a number of key characteristics that typify the national character and identity of New Zealanders according to research undertaken by Sibley, Hoverd and Liu (2011) where people who were born in New Zealand were asked what qualities classify someone a ââ¬Ëtrueââ¬â¢ New Zealander. The top 5 characteristics to emerge from this research were liberal democratic values, cultural/bi-cultural awareness, rugby/sporting culture, citizenship and ancestry and patrioti c values, with each characteristic also being deconstructed into number of related elements. Liberal democratic values, which encompassed pro-social, pro-environmental elements such as friendliness, respect for people and environment, tolerance, equality and work ethic was the characteristic that I believe has most influenced my secondary socialisation and continues to do so on a daily basis. New Zealanders view themselves as egalitarian and classless and this aspect of the national character has a significant influence on me as I place no value on titles, ranks, gender or backgrounds and my underpinning belief is that everyone is equal regardless of their wealth, power, race or gender. This may also prove to be a blind spot in my socialisation, as others may perceive my interactions with them as being disrespectful due to my egalitarian viewpoint. The pro-environment outlook that I have also emanates from my sense of national identity rather than from my family of origin, as I am the only member of my family that has a green outlook and respects the environment through all forms of recycling. As a child in primary school I was exposed to Mà ori folklore, which explains the origins of everything from a mythological perspective. As a result of this the attitude of many New Zealanders towards the environment is heavily influenced by the Mà ori concept of the ââ¬Ëmauriââ¬â¢, or environmental life force, which says that any negative impact on the ââ¬Ëmauriââ¬â¢ adversely impacts its energy, which has a negative flow on effect to the lives of people and the environment. This value also underpins my support of the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act that was passed by the Parliament in 1987, which bans visits by vessels that are nuclear powered or armed. From my perspective this piece of l egislation also embodies another characteristic of New Zealanders, that of ââ¬Ëpunching above our weightââ¬â¢ or fighting for what we believe in socially despite our size. The majority of New Zealanders saw the passing of the legislation as a small nation courageously taking a clear position on a contentious topic on the world stage. Cultural/Bicultural awareness is another key characteristic identified by Sibley (2011) that has influenced me. In the late 1980ââ¬â¢s there was a renaissance of Mà oritanga or Mà ori culture and a subsequent acceptance of it by the broader New Zealand. This Mà ori renaissance manifested in a multitude of ways suchà as a greater emphasis on Mà ori cultural expression in the arts, language and ââ¬Ëtikangaââ¬â¢ or customs and traditions. Te Reo, the Mà ori language, was formally recognised as an official language of New Zealand and all Government departments formally incorporated the Mà ori translation into their names. Even though I no longer reside in New Zealand this still has an influence on my language as I often subconsciously select Mà ori words or phrases that more effectively explain symbolic concepts than English, which causes a lack of understanding from non New Zealanders. New Zealand art, which incorporates a significant amount of national symbolism and Mà ori culture, also adorns my home. This assignment has encouraged me to question why I am a patriotic Australian but fiercely patriotic New Zealander. Upon reflection it is my belief that it was my mother, an agent of primary socialisation and a fiercely patriotic woman, who instilled in me the strong sense of national pride that I still possess today. She reminded me often how fortunate I was to be a Kiwi and to never forget that we were lucky to live in ââ¬ËGodââ¬â¢s own countryââ¬â¢, a phrase used proudly by New Zealanders since the late 1880ââ¬â¢s to typify New Zealand. The primary school I attended also served to deepen this sense of patriotism, as we sang the national anthem at our weekly assembly, which only served to deepen the connection I felt. Whilst the value I place on work is determined primarily by my familyââ¬â¢s values it also has links to national identity. In the research undertaken by Sibly et. al. (2011), which focuses on defining the national identity of New Zealanders, many New Zealanders reported that working hard and trying to get ahead, colloquially referred to as ââ¬Ëthe number 8 fencing wireââ¬â¢ mentality, were national traits, a philosophy that I was brought up to believe in. Work is also an important aspect of my life for more than economic reasons. It is a significant contributor to my identity as it allows me to be viewed as an individual rather than by my relationships with others such as being someoneââ¬â¢s partner. From an economic perspective, I place significant value on being self-sufficient as a result of a my upbringing and this, combined with the value I place on achievement, has driven me to consciously progress myà career in order to ensure that I can remain independent financially. An output of these needs is that I am more comfortable in the role of the primary, rather than secondary, breadwinner in my intimate relationships. Meisenbach (2010) undertook research on the phenomenological experiences of women who were the primary income earners in their relationships, either through choice or circumstance, seeking to determine elements of commonality from these experiences. Six key themes emerged from the womenââ¬â¢s experiences: the need for control, valuing independence, feelings of stress, placing value on a partnerââ¬â¢s contribution, feelings of resentment or guilt, and placing value on progressing their careers. Although there was variation around the value the participants placed on each element, most agreed that the financial independence the role of female breadwinner gave them formed an important aspect of their identity. The value placed on this aspect was usually attributed to a parent actively encouraging their independence, or to a negative example they saw whilst growing up, so the status of main breadwinner in their lives ensured a sense of independence they felt would be a positive factor for negotiating any tough times in their lives. This resonated with me as my mother was ill educated and as a result financially dependent on my stepfather so she stayed in a non-supportive relationship, which had significant impact on me. As noted above another essential element was that the majority of participants identified as being ambitious and career driven, in many cases, much more so than their male partners. This is another aspect that resonates with me as it is my belief that one of the major reasons I am constantly studying is that continuing education is a basis for progressing my career thereby as a means of maintaining my ability to remain independent financially if the need were to arise, through either choice or circumstance. This unwavering focus on remaining financially independent, even within a committed and loving partnership, must be handled with care in order to ensure my husband understands that that my need to be in control financially in no way no way diminishes his financial contribution or status. Social media also has growing impact on my socialisation, both personally and professionally. I experience a conflicted relationship with it. From a positive perspective I use social media as a mechanism to keep in constant touch with family overseas. On theà negative aspect of social media, I find the intrusiveness of it frustrating as some individuals seem to feel the need to be on social media constantly despite being physically in my company. I am also perplexed at the self-focused culture social media is breeding in our young people where they seem to record life rather than experience it. I have a different relationship with social media from a professional perspective. I use LinkedIn a networking and job search tool so I connect with people Iââ¬â¢ve previously worked with, join groups of other like-minded professionals, use it as a passive job search mechanism by having an online resume posted. Hemel (2013) says ââ¬Å"In the past year LinkedIn has emerged as one of the most powerful business tools on the planet. Long considered a repository for digital rà ©sumà ©s, the network now reports 225 million members who have set up profiles and uploaded their education and job historiesâ⬠(pg 68). She also goes on to say that people are using LinkedIn for a multitude of purposes such as building professional portfolios of their work, recommending colleagues and keeping abreast of trends by reading LinkedIn Today, which has news from a myriad of sources including key LinkedIn influencers. With tough economic conditions prevailing over the last few years I made the decision to leave self-employment after ten years to return to the perceived stability of full time, paid employment in order to retain my financial independence. During this time I used LinkedIn to monitor trends in employment, update my network in anticipation of the change, peruse online job opportunities posted on LinkedIn, connect with recruiters, who are prevalent on LinkedIn nowadays, and to post an updated resume and career history. I also used it to investigate and research companies prior to attending interviews. Social media also has a role to play in maintaining links with my national identity. Expatriation is a major phenomenon according to the New Zealand Government statistics as 16% of New Zealanders and 25% of overall tertiary educated New Zealanders live overseas with the largest group residing in Australia. In 2004 Kiwi Expatriates Abroad (K.E.A) was formed to connect expatriate New Zealanders to their nation, to promote New Zealand to the world and to enhance business opportunities via an online presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and the Internet. I joined at the outset and have used the group to network in order to createà business opportunities. With a membership of over 100,00 people, K.E.A demonstrates that national identity doesnââ¬â¢t always mean residing in a county in order to identify with it, as the use of social media now makes the worldââ¬â¢s boundaries less relevant. Agents of socialisation do not exist as static entities that have a defined, once off influence on an individualââ¬â¢s identity at a given point in time but rather as dynamic entities that continue to interact with one another throughout an individualââ¬â¢s lifetime. These agents also vary in their influence and impact on individuals and they encourage individuals to learn and adapt in order to fit comfortably into society. References Hempel, J. (2013). LinkedIn: How itââ¬â¢s Changing Business (And How To Make It work For You). Fortune. 168(1), 68-1NULL. Meisenback, R. J. (2010). The Female Breadwinner: Phenomological Experience and Gendered Identity in Work/Family Spaces, Sex Roles 62(1/2), 2-19. Doi:10.1007/s11199-9714-5. Sibley, C.H., Hoverd, W.J, & Liu, J.H. (2011). Pluralistic and Monocultural Facets of New Zealand National Character and Identity. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 40(3)19-28). Te Ara ââ¬â The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand. (2013). National Identity. Retrieved from: van Krieken, R., Habibis, D., Smith, P., Hutchins, B., Martin, G. & Maton, K. (2010). Sociology. (4th ed.). Sydney: Pearson Australia.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Home Background Factors Related to Academic Success
Subject: what are the school and the home background factors that are related to academic success? Academic success can be defined as excellence in all academic disciplines in class as well as extracurricular activities. It includes excellence in sporting, behavior, confidence, communication skills, assertiveness, arts, cultureâ⬠¦ But to fulfill academic success, different factors must be achieved. What are these factors? From birth to age eighteen, children spend just a fraction of their lives in school.Therefore, it is not surprising that many factors outside the school environment can significantly influence students' prospects for academic success in school. Thatââ¬â¢s why home background is considered one of the important factors related to academic success. First, parentsââ¬â¢ beliefs, expectations and attitudes about education have a profound impact on studentââ¬â¢s conceptions of the significance of education in their lives. What parents think about the importanc e of doing well in school is often mirrored in student results.In other words, if the parents were educated they know the consequences of education in the life; thatââ¬â¢s why they encourage their children to study. A study by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company found that nearly all students (98%) who earned Aââ¬â¢s and Bââ¬â¢s on their report cards reported that their parents encouraged them to do well in school. Among students who earned mostly Cââ¬â¢s said they received little parental encouragement.Second, why children succeed or fail in school is related to the motherââ¬â¢s level of education which is one of the most important factors influencing childrenââ¬â¢s reading levels and other school achievements; therefore, quality of maternal care is one of the factors helping students to achieve academic success. Third, a relatively large family appeared to be not impediment to the educational achievements of middle-class children, but for those with less privileg ed home circumstances a small family was an essential ingredient for academic success.In small families, parents have more resources to devote to their children and can more easily find time to spend with them and to encourage them. When the family have lots of children, finding time to read to the child, to encourage him to complete his homework or to participate in school functions, become more difficult. Forth, many children grow up in homes with an abundance of fiscal and material resources; but not all do.Poverty takes a toll on studentsââ¬â¢ performance. Poor children are twice as likely as their more affluent counterparts to repeat a grade; to be suspended, expelled, or drop out of high school. In sum, children from more economically affluent home circumstances have a leg up in many areas in life, including education. Finally, for most students, school creates an important community setting a safe place where time structure and friends are present.Families and neighborhood s complete a studentââ¬â¢s community and consciously connecting schools, families and neighborhoods offer significant advantages for students, particularly those at academic risk. The broad stroke issues that can influence performance in school includes therefore parenting. Other things that may influence academic success include motivational and well-trained teachers. Teachers can make students either interested or not in the material to be learned.For example, in this digital age, teachers can use computers to individualize learning so that lessons can cater to the different skill levels of each child. Gone are the days of simple worksheets and book work; teachers should encourage their students somehow to have excellent results. In addition, teachers should be well-organized and patient: they should repeat lessons and answer all studentsââ¬â¢ questions. Moreover, teachers should find interactive learning activities which can integrate into the classroom to help them present more information in a dynamic way.In conclusion, schools do not exist in a vacuum. A host of factors contribute to studentsââ¬â¢ prospects for academic success and there are many theories as to what will increase the academic success of the child. Some students come to school with all they need: stable and supportive families, adequate financial resources and good surrounding. For students who do not enjoy these advantages, teachers can help them meet outside-of-school challenges and can provide the boost they need to succeed.
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